Facts about your communicator
About network services
The wireless phone described in this user’s guide is a dual band phone using either
GSM 900 or 1800 networks automatically.
A number of features included in this user’s guide are called network services. They
are special services provided by wireless service providers. Before you can take
advantage of any of these network services, you must subscribe to the service(s)
you require from your home service provider and obtain instructions for their use.
You can then activate these functions as described in this user’s guide. The manual
activation commands for various services are not presented in this user’s guide (for
example, using the
characters for activating or deactivating services).
The Nokia 9210 Communicator, nevertheless, is capable of handling commands
given in that form. For these commands, please consult with your service providers.

©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
Services that need to be subscribed to are typically the short message service,
Internet, and fax.
Because the number of special services depends on what services are available in
your home network, it is, unfortunately, impossible to provide a comprehensive list
of the services and settings you need in this user’s guide. Therefore, this user’s
guide gives general information about additional services. Please contact your
network operator for further information about the availability and the details of
services in your home network.
Tip: Write the
information you obtain from
your service provider down
on the Settings Checklist for
future reference.
If a service requires separate phone numbers or specific settings, they must be
stored in the settings of the communicator. For example:
Sending and receiving short messages requires that this service is supported by the
network you are using and activated for your SIM card, and that the phone number
of the message centre is stored in the settings of the SMS application.
Internet access requires that data service is supported by the network you are
using and activated for your SIM card. In addition, you must have obtained an
Internet access point from an Internet service provider.
Stickers on the sales package
The stickers contain important information for service and customer support
purposes. Keep these stickers in a safe and secure place.
Attach the
sticker to the page preceding the Table of Contents of this user’s
guide. The correct place for the sticker is indicated with a frame.
Attach the
sticker to the Club Nokia Invitation Card, if supplied in the sales

©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
Access codes
The Nokia 9210 Communicator uses several access codes to protect against
unauthorised use of your communicator and SIM card. The access codes you need
most often are:
• the lock code (the predetermined default lock code is 12345), and
• the PIN code, which is provided with the SIM card.
You can change access codes that are used by both the phone and the
communicator interface via either of them, provided that the code can be changed.
For further details on access codes, see ‘Phone security’ on page 215.
The Internet applications of the communicator use passwords and user names to
protect against unauthorised use of the Internet and its services. These passwords
are changed in the settings of the Internet applications.
Contact information
Tip: You can synchronise
the contact information on
your communicator with a
corresponding application
on a compatible PC. See the
PC Suite Guide on the CD-
ROM for details.
All contact information that you store in the Contacts application, such as names,
addresses, and phone numbers, goes into the Contacts directory. The phone, the
communicator interface, and each of the applications have their own views of the
Contacts directory. The information shown depends on the information the
selected application can use. For example, when you are making a call via the
phone, you can view the name and phone number(s) of the contact. Possible fax
numbers, e-mail addresses, job titles, and so on, are not shown.

©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.